10234 - 货币系统

母牛们不但创建了他们自己的政府而且选择了建立了自己的货币系统。 [In their own rebellious way],,他们对货币的数值感到好奇。 传统地,一个货币系统是由1,5,10,20 或 25,50, 和 100的单位面值组成的。 母牛想知道有多少种不同的方法来用货币系统中的货币来构造一个确定的数值。 举例来说, 使用一个货币系统 {1,2,5,10,...}产生 18单位面值的一些可能的方法是:18x1, 9x2, 8x2+2x1, 3x5+2+1,等等其它。 写一个程序来计算有多少种方法用给定的货币系统来构造一定数量的面值。 保证总数将会适合long long (C/C++) 和 Int64 (Free Pascal)。


货币系统中货币的种类数目是 V 。 (1<= V<=25) 要构造的数量钱是 N 。 (1<= N<=10,000)

第 1 行: 二整数, V 和 N 第 2 ..V+1行: 可用的货币 V 个整数 (每行一个 每行没有其它的数)。





3 10
1 2 5




The cows have not only created their own government but they have chosen to create their own money system. In their own rebellious way, they are curious about values of coinage. Traditionally, coins come in values like 1, 5, 10, 20 or 25, 50, and 100 units, sometimes with a 2 unit coin thrown in for good measure.

The cows want to know how many different ways it is possible to dispense a certain amount of money using various coin systems. For instance, using a system of {1, 2, 5, 10, ...} it is possible to create 18 units several different ways, including: 18x1, 9x2, 8x2+2x1, 3x5+2+1, and many others.

Write a program to compute how many ways to construct a given amount of money using supplied coinage. It is guaranteed that the total will fit into both a signed long long (C/C++) and Int64 (Free Pascal).

PROGRAM NAME: money INPUT FORMAT The number of coins in the system is V (1 <= V <= 25).

The amount money to construct is N (1 <= N <= 10,000). Line 1: Two integers, V and N
Lines 2..: V integers that represent the available coins (no particular number of integers per line)

SAMPLE INPUT (file money.in) 3 10 1 2 5

OUTPUT FORMAT A single line containing the total number of ways to construct N money units using V coins. SAMPLE OUTPUT (file money.out) 10

Time Limit 1 second
Memory Limit 128 MB
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